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• Introduction
• Wind Tones
• Etude 2: Harmonics
• Etude 3: Difference Tones
• Etude 4: Bamboo Tones
• Etude 5: Multiphonics
• Etude 6: Whisper Tones
• Etude 7: Singing Unison/Parallel
• Etude 8: Polyphonic Singing
• Etude 9: Diverse
• Etude 10: Circular Breathing
• Etude 11: Flute and Movement
• Etude 12: Graphic Notation-Impro
• Video Gallery
• Wil Offermans
• Flute Summer Course
• Flute Day music schools
• Thumpy, the thumb flute
• Duo Ueda Offermans
For the Contemporary Flutist Online is a free accessible online information site on contemporary flute techniques, related to the book For the Contemporary Flutist and to the extended flute techniques in general. The website is created and maintained by Wil Offermans.
Thanks a lot for your donation as a support to keep this website up and running for free and for all. You can donate with credit card (checkout as 'guest') or a PayPal account. Simply fill in your donation amount and click the 'Donate' button.
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